What is a Psychologist

What is a Psychologist?

FAQS and information to help you get started with seeing a psychologist. From what a psychologist does, to fees, and the therapeutic process.

What is a Psychologist?

Broadly, a Psychologist is someone who studies peoples behaviours, thought processes, beliefs, emotions, and other aspects of human experience. In a therapy setting, a psychologist works with individuals, couples, or groups to understand how these experiences might be impacting a persons life and provides input about how to change these experiences. A psychologist is trained to assess, formulate, and diagnose a range of psychological disorders. From here a course of treatment is then implemented with clients. At Core Life Psychology I work with a broad range of clients and presenting issues.

How Can a Psychologist Help?

People attend therapy for a range of reasons. A psychologist works to understand your presenting psychological concerns and particular goals, and factors that contribute your problems. As you discuss your concerns I assess and formulate what might be happening and provide feedback and therapeutic input accordingly. I will check in at the end of each session to see how you felt the session went. I work to deliver evidence-based treatments that can help you to achieve positive change in your life.

How Does Therapy Work?

Therapy works differently from person to person. Usually, it is an open discussion about what your particular struggles are. As you discuss your problems we start to explore particular patterns, beliefs, emotions, and themes that are linked to your concerns. As these areas are discussed we can sometimes see new ways of doing things and being in the world. Sometimes a person develops insight, realization, and an emotional shift that helps them to move forward in some way. Therapy is not necessarily a quick fix. Sometimes particular problems and patterns require ongoing work to help manage and shift. 

Finding the Right Psychologist?

There is no specific way to find the right psychologist. Sometimes there is an immediate click and therapy fits in to place. At other times the therapy is about exploring the connection you have with me and what happens for you in terms of the therapy relationship. Usually a therapy relationship develops over the course of 4 to 6 sessions. Furthermore, sometimes, the therapy becomes the exploration of the therapy relationship, particularly, if there is a history of emotional trauma and problematic relationships in the past. If there isn’t a right fit at some point then we can discuss this and look at solutions. Usually, having an open discussion can help to find the best outcome. Sometimes there just isn’t the right fit with someone in which case we go about finding another therapist or therapeutic approach.

Is Therapy for Me?

People can sometimes be ambivalent or anxious about seeing a psychologist and therefore wait until problems worsen before calling. However, anyone can benefit from seeing a psychologist. If you notice signs or symptoms such as reduced mood, increased stress and anxiety, or difficulty concentrating then it is worth calling to see how psychology can help. Therapy suits a diverse range of people and is becoming a less stigmatised and actually a valued way of gaining support. People of all ages, genders, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and backgrounds engage in therapy. I welcome everyone to explore how therapy can help.

How Much is Therapy?

The cost per session is $240. This fee is set according to experience and training and is marked well below the Australian Psychological Society recommended rate.

Through Medicare it is possible to receive rebates for up to 10 psychology sessions in a year. In order to be eligible for these Medicare rebates it is first necessary to obtain a mental health care plan from your doctor. You will receive a rebate of $137.05 per session.

How Does Medicare Work?

Medicare subsidises 10 sessions per year. In order to be eligible for these Medicare rebates it is first necessary to obtain a mental health care plan from your doctor. This plan will entitle you to an initial course of rebates (usually for 6 sessions). After this another review or consult is completed with your GP. Here a further 4 sessions are usually allocated. The referral documentation needs to be provided to your psychologist so that the relevant details can be entered onto your invoice. You will then be able to claim this rebate online via Medicare. Here you receive a rebate of $137.05 per session that is refunded to your account.

Do you Provide Child and Adolescent Assessments?

Yes, I am able to provide clinical assessments for children and their families. My assessments include interviews and observations with parents, teachers, and children. I also provide neuropsychological testing including administration and scoring of intelligence, learning, and behavioural difficulties. A report including results, formulation, and recommendations is then completed following the assessment. This is discussed in a feedback session with parents and teachers. At this point in time I do not complete assessments for family courts.

Expert Clinical care

Considered therapeutic approach that treats you as a whole person. As a clinical psychologist I specialize in helping people to better understand their mental health and what it takes to recover.

Complex Mental Health Service

I help people to deal with complex mental health conditions. I love assisting people to connect emotionally and work through the core themes that hold them back. Furthermore, I help people to tap in to their innate strengths and resilience.

Together we’ll focus on helping you to create a more fulfilling life. We will implement an approach that assists you to reclaim your life and overcome your symptoms.

– Dr Damon Mitchell

Why Choose Core Life

Melbourne Clinical Psychologist Near You

Melbourne Clinical psychologist Near You

If you are looking for a clinical Psychologist in Melbourne please feel free to reach out today. Together we will determine what you need to move forward in life.
